11 November 2021


CLiC-it is organized by the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) and it is its major scientific and social event. In order to support the community, participants are requested to become members of AILC before registering to the conference.

Click HERE to become member of AILC.

Click HERE to register to the CLIC-it 2021 Conference.

**Since 20/06 you can register only by credit card**

CLIC-it Regular (early registration, closes Dec. 01) 150,00 €
CLIC-it Student (early registration, closes Dec. 01) 80,00 €
CLIC-it Regular (late registration, closes Dec. 20) 180,00 €
CLIC-it Student (late registration, closes Dec. 20) 100,00 €
CLIC-it Regular (after Dec. 20) 200,00 €
CLIC-it Student (after Dec. 20) 120,00 €

(*) The Conference Registration fee includes: conference participation, conference bag, coffee breaks,  welcome cocktail and social dinner. 

Student free
Academic 20,00 €
Industrial 30,00 €
SOCIAL DINNER (Additional ticket) FEE
Extra ticket 55,00 €